Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What makes a woman beautiful? The Validation of a Man’s Word?

           The media (whether it be print, radio, television, etc.) constantly tell us how we should look, think or act towards men. Women's magazines (Cosmopolitan, Elle, Ebony, Essence, Latina, etc.) include little guides on how to keep a man, please a man, etc. But take a look into a men's magazine...what do you see? It could be cars, naked females, issues about the economy....naked females.....but never guides on how to keep a woman or how to please one. Why?? We as women have a tendency to live for our man. There are females who put their whole life on pause just for their current boyfriend or even worse, a guy she JUST met.

A lot of females forget their goals, aspirations, dreams, friends, almost everything when she is with her man. But what happens when it doesn't work out? Is the man at fault, when he never asked for you to change your life or is it you, who voluntarily changed your whole life up for him? On the other hand that man most likely continued his daily life and routine with or without his female by his side. The media never tried to manipulate or mold a man into living his life for a woman. There are also movies when a man comes and rescues a woman out of her financial burden, get married….bla bla bla or a woman is depressed. Nothing can make her happy and BAM! A man shows up, GIVES her happiness and they live happily ever after (another example could be the entire Disney princess movie collection if you take a close look).

Since when do we as HUMANS in general need another person to make us happy, especially the presence of a man? Women even take extreme measures and go under the knife to look beautiful....for a man...not themselves. Basically you get the picture. Don't let the media fool you into what you should look like, act like or do just for a man. Live YOUR own life, make time for yourself, friends, family AND your man. It is not impossible. We have all been given separate lives so we can aspire to be whatever we want to be in this world, don't let the presence of another man take that away from you. If the man truly loved you he would definitely want you to have your own success and happiness outside of the relationship as well as inside the relationship.

Truly Yours,


  1. "The media (whether it be print, radio, television, etc.) constantly tell us how we should look, think or act towards men."

    I think it's more than Women,I think it's every one;Women,Men,Children,etc.

    I don't know if you like rock'roll But there was a band back in the 80's that spoke the some language.

    Here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpqbn6xWH_g

    P.S. Happy BDay to the little dude.

  2. To anonymous:Your right the media actually effects every type of humans whether it be male or female and whatever age group but I was just really focusing on women when I wrote this article but I will def. check that Youtube video out,thanks for the comment :).
